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Foods & Drinks

Benefits of Collard Greens – Why you should eat your collard greens

Collard greens are part of the cruciferous vegetable family. They contain nutrients that can play an important role in a healthful diet. Let’s find out the benefits of collard greens with Topfoodss!

Health Benefits

The cruciferous vegetables (which include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and other leafy greens like kale and collards), as a group, have been shown to have numerous beneficial properties.

Broccoli can lower cholesterol in the blood

Broccoli can lower cholesterol in the blood
Broccoli can lower cholesterol in the blood

Studies have suggested that eating broccoli lowers low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or LDL cholesterol levels, known as “bad” cholesterol. Thanks to the high fiber content in vegetables, Chinese cabbage has beneficial effects on both blood pressure and cholesterol, helping to improve overall cardiovascular health.

Broccoli may reduce the risk of cancer

According to research, cruciferous vegetables help reduce the risk of cancer thanks to several sulfur-rich compounds called glucosinolate. Scientists believe that these compounds prevent or delay cancer cells at different stages of development. A 2017 study of nearly 3,000 people found that cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of breast cancer. However, in order to maximize the positive effects of green vegetables, it seems a need to preserve glucosinolate, meaning certain cooking methods (like steaming) take precedence.

Improve bone health

Benefits of Collard Greens - Improve bone health
Benefits of Collard Greens – Improve bone health

Collards contain a good amount of vitamin K, which research shows may reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. One cup of boiled broccoli contains 770 micrograms of this important vitamin, which is much higher than the recommended minimum daily intake of 90 mcg for women and 120 mcg for men.

Broccoli can improve liver health

“Collards are high in fiber, which helps us feel full during meals and aids digestion,” notes Lustgarten. “Fiber intake has also been linked to a reduced risk of stroke and diabetes.” Fiber is believed to reduce inflammation and glucose levels in patients with type 1 diabetes, while maintaining healthy insulin and lipid levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Broccoli can help with digestion

Another benefit of collards’ fiber properties is in regards to digestion. After all, fiber is often recommended to prevent or help fight constipation and improve regular bowel movements, and due to the high fiber and water content in bok choy, it’s not uncommon for this vegetable to be regular. Recommended for those who have difficulty walking.

Collard green can improve your aesthetics

Benefits of Collard Greens - Collard green can improve your aesthetics
Benefits of Collard Greens – Collard green can improve your aesthetics

If you are looking for a healthier, sleeker hair, don’t rub green oil into your hair, but consume green oil to replenish vitamin A to them. Vitamin A is involved in your body’s sebum production, which not only helps keep your immune system and eyes healthy, but also your skin and hair.

Collards are also rich in vitamin C, which is crucial for collagen production, again important for your hair, skin, and nails. And if that’s not enough, canola seeds also contain iron, which is important for preventing anemia, as well as hair loss.

Broccoli can help you sleep better

Thanks to the choline content in bok choy, you may be able to fall asleep and function more effectively if you maintain a diet rich in vegetables. The neurotransmitter choline assists in boosting your mood, improving sleep, and maintaining your memory.


Though uncommon, allergies to foods in the Brassica family have been reported, sometimes with cross-reactivity to mugwort pollen or mustard. If you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction after consuming or handling collard greens, consult with a doctor about how to manage this sensitivity.

Adverse Effects

Collard greens are an excellent source of vitamin K. While this is a useful vitamin, it can interfere with certain blood-thinning medicines. If you take Coumadin (warfarin), discuss your vitamin K intake with your doctor.

Collard greens are also high in oxalates, which in some people can cause painful kidney stones. If you have any kidney problems, you may want to limit your consumption of collard greens or consider consuming high-oxalate foods like collards along with foods containing calcium (such as dairy products or tofu). Eating these foods together makes them less likely to form into kidney stones.

Especially when consumed raw, cruciferous vegetables contain naturally occurring chemicals that may interfere with thyroid function. If you have a thyroid condition, you may need to eat fewer of these vegetables, or be sure to cook them prior to eating.