Foods & Drinks

Benefits of Spinach That Will Convince You to Eat More Leafy Greens

If Popeye the Sailor Man can get her powers out of spinach, you can also because this leafy vegetable is considered a superfood. The reason why spinach is considered a superfood is that it has loads of nutrients and low calories. This vegetable is also beneficial for your skin, hair, and bones. Some of the powerful health benefits of spinach are that it stabilizes blood sugar, reduces the risk of developing cancer, prevents cancer and is good for bone health. A vegetable with so many health benefits is amazing and our ancestors did not go wrong in propagating its effects on the human body. So adding this green to your healthy diet will benefit your health in many ways. Before we dig into the health benefits of Spinach for us, let’s take a look at some of its nutrition facts.

Nutritional benefits of spinach

An 80g (raw) serving contains:

  • 20kcal/82KJ
  • 2.2g protein
  • 0.6g fat
  • 1.3g carbohydrates
  • 2.2g fibre
  • 136mg calcium
  • 1.68mg iron
  • 91mcg folate
  • 21mg vit C

Strengthens your bones

Strengthens your bones
Strengthens your bones

Spinach is a rich source of Vitamin K which helps in promoting a the production of a protein called Osteocalc in that is responsible for stabilizing calcium in the bones. In addition to being rich in vitamin K, spinach is also a great source of calcium and vitamin D, dietary fibre, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, all of which are important nutrients that are good for bone health.

It boosts immunity

It’s particularly high in Vitamin C; there’s 28.1mg in 100g, which is 34% of our RDA (according to the United States Department of Agriculture aka USDA).

‘No single food can boost the immune system but Vitamins A, C and magnesium definitely play an important role in supporting it,’ says Hope.

Prevent cancer

Spinach has a high source of zeaxanthin and carotenoids that can remove free radicals from your body. These free radicals make your body susceptible to many diseases including cancer and therefore, spinach is believed to have cancer-preventing effects. So all you need to do is consume spinach and prevent yourself from stomach cancer, oral cancer and esophageal cancer.

Reduced blood sugar

Spinach is believed to be high in potassium which is often recommended for people with high blood pressure. So how is potassium beneficial for people with high blood pressure? Well, potassium reduces the effects of sodium in the body.

Good For Your Eyes

Good For Your Eyes
Good For Your Eyes

The antioxidants that are found in spinach are lutein and zeaxanthin and these help in providing good eyesight. It also protects yours from cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and other eye problems. The vitamin A found in spinach helps to maintain mucus membranes that are essential for normal eyesight.

Reduces Hypertension

Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure is responsible for causing many heart diseases, kidney disease and strokes. Thus consuming this superfood can prevent all these risks and keep you healthy. Consuming at least once a day can reduce anxiety and stress and help you keep a calm mind. Spinach contains vitamin C that also helps in reducing hypertension.

Prevents Heart Attacks and Atherosclerosis

Prevents Heart Attacks and Atherosclerosis
Prevents Heart Attacks and Atherosclerosis

Over the years excessive fat gets stored in your arteries and this leads to thickening of the human artery which results in strokes and atherosclerosis. However, the arteries tend to harden over the years and in order to prevent this from happening you need to consume spinach that will prevent this from happening. This is because of a substance called lutein that is responsible for preventing your arteries from thickening. This substance also prevents the risks of developing heart diseases.

Prevents Acne

Acne is a skin condition that can reduce your self-confidence in society and can also damage your skin and leave skin scars that can be permanent. Well, if you have acne try consuming some spinach and this ease the inflammation in your skin and reduce acne. You can also prepare a facial mask by making some spinach paste and adding a little water. Once this is done you need to apply it onto your face and wait for 20 minutes. This will reduce inflammation in your skin and remove dirt and extra oil that causes acne.