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Amazing Benefits of Sesame Seeds For Skin And Health

The sesame plant grows in tropical and subtropical parts of the world, including Asia, Africa, and South America. People cultivate it for its edible seeds, which are a popular addition to many dishes all over the world. Let’s find out the benefits of sesame seeds with Topfoodss!

What is sesame seeds?

  • Sesame seeds are probably one of the first oily seeds known to mankind.
  • The sesame bud is a flowering plant species of the Pedaliaceae family. This nut has the highest oil content of all the nuts and the delicious, delicate flavor becomes more pronounced when they are roasted under low heat for a few minutes.
  • These seeds can be consumed raw or dried, or even roasted snacks. They are used as an ingredient in a number of dishes.
  • Dried roasted sesame seeds are crushed with olives into a thin, light brown batter called ‘tahini’, a popular Middle Eastern dip. In Europe, they are commonly used in margarine production.
  • There are several types of sesame seeds depending on the cultivar such as white, black, and brown seeds.
  • White sesame seeds have a higher iron content than black sesame seeds and are mostly used as a food preparation ingredient or in oil form.
  • Black sesame seeds have a stronger taste and aroma than white or brown sesame seeds and are used in medicine. They contain 60% more calcium than the white type.

Health Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

Health Benefits Of Sesame Seeds
Health Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

In addition to their culinary uses, these seeds also have nutritional, preventive and curative properties, making them possible to be used in traditional medicines. Sesame seed oil is a rich source of phytonutrients such as omega-6 fatty acids, the antioxidant phenolic flavonoids, vitamins and fiber. Hence, these seeds offer many benefits. The health benefits of sesame seeds include:

Protein-rich vegetarian diet

Sesame seeds are a good source of protein, with high-quality amino acids making up 20% of the seeds. Thus, they are perfect as part of a high-protein vegetarian diet. Just sprinkle them on your salads, veggies and noodles.

Prevent diabetes

Sesame seeds contain magnesium and other nutrients that have been shown to fight diabetes. The use of sesame seed oil as the only cooking oil has been shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure and plasma glucose in hypersensitive diabetics.

Treatment of anemia

Sesame seeds, especially black seeds, are rich in iron. Hence, they are highly recommended for people suffering from anemia and asthenia.

Heart health

Heart health
Heart health

Sesame seed oil prevents atherosclerotic damage and is therefore beneficial for heart health.
They contain an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound called sesamol that also has anti-atherogenic properties, thereby improving cardiovascular health.
Sesame seeds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid, which help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the body. This prevents the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke.

Anti-cancer properties

Sesame seeds contain magnesium that has anti-cancer properties. They also contain an anti-cancer compound called phytate. Sesame seeds have been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of colorectal tumors, thereby preventing colorectal cancer.

Gastrointestinal health

Sesame seeds support a healthy digestive system and colon as they are rich in fiber. This high fiber content helps the smooth functioning of the intestines, thereby facilitating waste disposal and relieving constipation.

Cure rheumatoid arthritis

Benefits of Sesame Seeds- Cure rheumatoid arthritis
Benefits of Sesame Seeds- Cure rheumatoid arthritis

Sesame seeds contain copper, a mineral important to the antioxidant enzyme system, thereby reducing the pain and swelling associated with arthritis. Besides, this mineral provides strength to blood vessels, bones and joints.

Respiratory health

The magnesium contained in sesame seeds prevents asthma and other breathing disorders by preventing airway spasm.

Protect from radiation damage

Sesamol, found in sesame seeds and sesame oil, has been found to work to prevent DNA damage from radiation. It also prevents damage to the intestines and spleen.

Bone health

Benefits of Sesame Seeds- Improve bone health
Benefits of Sesame Seeds- Improve bone health

Sesame seeds contain zinc that enhances bone mineral density and bone health. A deficiency of this mineral can cause osteoporosis in the hip and spine. Sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium, a trace mineral that is important for bone health.

Oral health

Sesame seeds and sesame seed oil enhance oral health by removing dental plaque and whitening your teeth. Pulling oil, which is to keep sesame oil in the mouth, can reduce the amount of streptococcal bacteria in both teeth and saliva in the mouth, while enhancing overall health.