Best health insurance for part-time workers
Best health insurance for part-time workers

Best health insurance for part-time workers

Businesses of all sizes depend on various sorts of workers to do their tasks. Companies are required to offer some supplementary benefits to all workers they recruit, whether they are full-time employees, independent contractors, or part-timers. Health insurance is one of them, and a crucial one at that. Best health insurance for part-time workers by

Who Is a Part-time Employee?

If you’re unsure whether you qualify as a part-time employee or not, you may compare the amount of hours you put in to see. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, part-time employees work between one and 34 hours a week, which is fewer hours than full-time employees. Depending on the industry they work in, individuals may put in a different amount of time each week.

Who Is a Part-time Employee
Who Is a Part-time Employee

Health insurance for part-time workers

The definition of part-time employment under each state’s or the federal government’s laws, as well as a number of other variables, determine whether an employee is eligible for health insurance for part-time workers. Employers are required to provide health insurance coverage to workers who put in at least 30 hours per week or 130 hours per month under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). If this isn’t done, the employer risk penalties. The insurance companies are also responsible for health insurance. A few companies also provide health insurance to workers who put in about 20 hours each week.

Rules For Health insurance for part-time workers

Offering health insurance for part-time workers entails that the business follow certain guidelines in order to adhere to the standards established by the government. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the insurance company you select in this situation both determine the regulations.

1. Affordable Care Act (ACA) Regulations for Part-Time Employees

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that businesses with at least 50 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees to provide health insurance for part-time workers to their staff. This statute defines full-time employment as any employment that exceeds 30 hours per week. The following rules must also be followed by employers that decide to provide health insurance coverage to part-time workers.

  • All workers who work the same amount of hours and in the same job must be provided with health insurance for part-time workers coverage. Employers are not allowed to give health insurance benefits to one employee while not providing them to another.
  • Employers must establish a written policy outlining the perks they provide to part-time workers in this regard. Starbucks is a prime example of this, as the business is well renowned for providing excellent perks to its part-time staff. They provide health insurance for part-time workers who have put in around 240 hours over the course of three months. Similar perks are reportedly provided by UPS for both part-time and full-time employees, regardless of the number of hours they put in each week. Companies must establish a policy for their workers and ensure that it is administered uniformly to all employees.
Rules For Health insurance for part-time workers
Rules For Health insurance for part-time workers

2. Rules Set by Insurance Carriers

Before beginning to provide health insurance to their employees, companies must contact the insurance provider as a necessary first step.

  • Insurance companies have procedures in place for providing health insurance benefits to part-time employees, just like employers do. Employers must verify these to make sure there are no errors.
  • Some insurance companies could have a minimum participation requirement, just as some states. According to the minimum participation requirement, a predetermined minimum percentage of employees who get health insurance must also purchase and utilize it. Employers must be aware that their participation rate may be impacted if they decide to provide health insurance to part-time employees. Employers must confirm that part-time employees are comfortable accepting this offer by speaking with them.

Advantages And Disadvantages of Providing Health insurance for part-time workers

If a business wants to attract more employees, it might be wise to provide health insurance benefits to workers. For the majority of businesses, this could be impossible, though, simply because providing health insurance coverage is expensive. The cost of health insurance premiums is high, and they often increase annually. Most businesses may find it difficult to provide it to part-time employees given the rate increases and already high expense.

But before considering the concept of providing health insurance to part-time employees, it is important to consider several advantages.

It is critical to remember that all costs associated with health insurance are tax deductible given that cost is one of the top considerations for companies when deciding whether to offer part-time employees health insurance coverage. An employer can write off all premium expenses against its state and federal taxes.

Employers can also request that part-time workers use pre-tax funds to pay for their premiums if they are ready to perform some paperwork. The required premium is subtracted from the employee’s pre-tax compensation, increasing the amount of money they are able to keep for themselves.

When small firms provide health insurance to part-time workers, they might get extra advantages. The small company healthcare tax credit was a new addition to the law adopted in 2010 by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). 50% of the premium cost for any two years may be covered by the tax credit granted to small firms. Small enterprises must provide at least half of the premiums for their employees in order to be eligible for this benefit. They should also have about 25 full-time equivalent (FTE) workers who make at least 50,000 USD annually.

Advantages And Disadvantages of Providing Health insurance for part-time workers
Advantages And Disadvantages of Providing Health insurance for part-time workers

You may be able to hire more competent candidates for the position by providing health insurance coverage to your part-time staff. Many American workers claimed that the availability of health insurance coverage may make or break their decision to accept a position. Some workers would even accept a pay cut in return for health insurance.

By providing health insurance benefits to your staff, you may increase their retention rates and lower your recruiting and onboarding expenses. Sometimes the expense of hiring new employees and providing them with training equals their wage for the first six to nine months.

Offering healthcare insurance to part-time workers has certain benefits, but there are also drawbacks for both the employees and the employers.

Regardless of the number of hours part-time workers put in at work, employers are allowed to provide health insurance coverage to those workers. However, part-time workers who receive tax breaks from their employers may not be allowed to take advantage of tax breaks or other savings if they decide to purchase insurance through the marketplace. This is also influenced by affordability and the employee’s income.


Employers must provide health insurance for part-time workers who put in at least 30 hours a week of employment. The companies must establish a documented policy and regularly offer these incentives to all employees who put in a comparable amount of time and perform comparable work. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) states. Employers that don’t comply risk punishment.