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Health Benefits of Pecans That Make This the Best Nut On Earth

Pecans are among the healthiest nuts known to man. They boast of a number of health benefits with minimal side effects. Pecans can be consumed safely by most people of all ages in order to improve metabolism, lose weight, boost energy, boost immunity, and improve brain function. While these are general benefits apply to all people, pecans can also have targeted benefits for people suffering from a number of ailments, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, gallstones, and osteoporosis, among others. Let’s find out the health benefits of pecans with Topfoodss!

The nutritional value of pecans

Pecans have a number of health benefits that can be seen in its nutritional value. Every 100 g of pecans contains 690 kcal of energy, quite high compared to many other nuts. They contain about 14 g of carbohydrates and 9 g of protein.

Benefits of Pecans - The nutritional value of pecans
Benefits of Pecans – The nutritional value of pecans

However, the best nutritional fact is that it contains around 91% monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, making it one of the healthiest nuts known to man. It is also extremely rich in minerals like potassium at 410 mg, phosphorus at 277 mg, magnesium at 121 mg and calcium at 70 mg. These properties bring many health benefits to the human body.

Among the nuts, pecans are rich in antioxidants, pecans are particularly high in proanthocyanidins, hydrolyzed tannins, phenols and phenolic acids, and flavonoids. This nutrient-rich cocktail is especially beneficial for treating oxidative stress.

Health Benefits

Many of the health benefits from pecans come from their unsaturated fat and fiber content. Additionally, pecans are high in polyphenols with antioxidant effects.

Aids Diabetes Management

Benefits of Pecans - Aids Diabetes Management
Benefits of Pecans – Aids Diabetes Management

Pecans are beneficial for blood sugar control in several ways. Their healthy fat content and low carbohydrate levels prevent spikes in blood sugar. The fiber in pecans also helps to stabilize blood sugar. Increasing the consumption of tree nuts (without increasing total calorie intake) has been shown to lower hemoglobin A1c levels and fasting glucose, two key markers for diabetes management.

Supports Weight Loss

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), consuming pecans and other tree nuts is associated with a lower body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference.3 Although pecans are high in calories, they are a satisfying and nutritious food that helps regulate blood sugar and appetite. Stick to a handful or 1/4 cup serving to be mindful of your portion size.

Protects Heart Health

Benefits of Pecans
Benefits of Pecans – Heart disease,Heart disease center

Raw, unsalted pecans are certified by the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check Program, meaning they fit within recommendations for foods that are low in saturated fat and sodium. Pecans have potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, and fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol. Consuming a handful of whole pecans daily has been found to improve lipid profiles by reducing LDL and total cholesterol levels.

Reduces Cancer Risk

Post-menopausal breast cancer is inversely associated with the intake of peanuts and tree nuts, like pecans. Researchers followed over 62,000 women for more than 20 years. The data indicates that eating 10 grams of nuts per day reduces the risk of certain types of cancer. While previous studies had confirmed lower cancer mortality from higher nut intakes, this research demonstrates preventative benefits of nut consumption.

Pecan Nut Prevents Oxidative Stress

Pecan Nut Prevents Oxidative Stress
Pecan Nut Prevents Oxidative Stress

Environmental and dietary issues are common in today’s world, and is one of the leading reasons of oxidative stress. These issues, promote oxidative damage within the body. Oxidative damage has been linked to high incidence of cancer and heart disease, among others. Therefore, it is more important now, than ever, to consume foods high in antioxidants.

Studies have shown us that in the 24 hours after pecans are consumed, there is an acute increase of antioxidants in the bloodstream. Other studies have shown an undeniable correlation between pecan consumption and a reduction in the number of instances of degenerative diseases.

They can satisfy a salty-snack craving

Unsalted nuts are a naturally sodium-free snack, making them ideal for anyone following a lower-sodium diet or cutting back on salty foods. Diets high in sodium have been linked to increased risk of chronic disease, especially high blood pressure. Swapping in pecans as a crunchy ingredient in any recipe can help you retain flavor with powerful health benefits.