
Amazing Health Benefits of Walnuts That You Need To Know

Walnuts (Juglansregia) are rich in antioxidants, protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. They offer numerous health benefits. These nuts are known to promote heart health, reduce cancer risk, support brain function, and decrease inflammation. Walnuts are of two types – black and the regular brown. Both are equally beneficial to your health. In this post, we have discussed the benefits of walnuts in detail. Keep reading.

Walnuts Help You Sleep

Benefits of Walnuts - Walnuts Help You Sleep
Benefits of Walnuts – Walnuts Help You Sleep

If you sleep too little, you could die young. If you sleep too much, you could die young. So found a study published in the journal Sleep (it’s enough to make you lose sleep). Walnuts to the rescue. They contain melatonin, a compound that works by conveying messages regarding the cycle of light and dark to the body. We make it ourselves, but eating walnuts (for an added boost) increases the blood levels of melatonin, thereby inducing a peaceful sleep that could postpone your dirt nap.

Walnuts Keep You Relaxed

Benefits of Walnuts - Walnuts Keep You Relaxed
Benefits of Walnuts – Walnuts Keep You Relaxed

Cue up the Master of None marathon—walnuts lower your blood pressure, the perfect accompaniment to nights to Netflix and chill. Researchers conducting a study on the relationship between these wonder-nuts and stress discovered that both walnuts and walnut oil in participants’ diet lowered both resting blood pressure and blood pressure responses to stress in the laboratory. Why? Well, walnuts are a rich source of fiber, antioxidants, and unsaturated fatty acids, particularly alpha linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid. These are the nutrients that give walnuts it’s stress fighting properties.

May Promote Heart Health

walnuts GettyImages CalypsoArt
Benefits of Walnuts – Walnut is good for your heart and brain

Due to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts are very beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Eating a few walnuts a day may help reduce blood pressure too. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce bad cholesterol in the body and encourage the production of good cholesterol. They also help reduce inflammation and boost blood vessel function. As a consequence, walnuts can promote heart health.

May Reduce Cancer Risk

Walnuts are rich in plant compounds like omega 3-fatty acids, polyphenols, and urolithins. These bio-active components may have anticancer properties.

Walnuts may reduce the risk of certain types of cancers such as that of breast, colon, and prostate. The American Association For Cancer Research stated that consuming a few walnuts each day may help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

May Help Detox The Body

Benefits of Walnuts - May Help Detox The Body
Benefits of Walnuts – May Help Detox The Body

There is limited research in this regard. Some claim the fiber in walnuts may help cleanse the system. The nutrient may also flush out harmful parasites.

Walnuts could be a healthy snack. However, do take them in moderation, as they also may cause allergies in certain individuals. Research is limited.

In the following section, we have discussed how walnuts may promote skin health.

Walnuts Fight Disease

Walnuts Fight Disease
Walnuts Fight Disease

Antioxidants—you’ve heard the term, and know they’re good for you—in fact, they’re believed to help control how fast you age by combating free radicals, the prime cause of age-related deterioration. Luckily, walnuts contain several rare antioxidants that are available in only a few commonly eaten foods. We’re talking quinone juglone, the tannin tellimagrandin, and the flavonol morin (in case you’re ever on Jeopardy). Research has shown that polyphenols may help prevent chemically-induced liver damage and that of all the nuts, walnut polyphenols are the best in class. For another amazing source of antioxidants, try The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse! Test panelists lost up to 10 pounds in one week!

Pregnant Women

The rich source of vitamin B-complex present in roasted unsalted walnuts is essential for fetal growth. A study, published in the European Journal of Epidemiology, stated that when mothers consumed a diet rich in nuts (including walnuts) during the first trimester of pregnancy, there was an improvement seen in the neurodevelopment of the child. However, more studies are awaited to corroborate this point.

Mood Booster

It is thought that insufficient amounts of omega-3 fatty acids (contained in walnuts and a few other foods), may cause hyperactivity, irritability, and tantrums. According to a 2016 study published in the Nutrients Journal, when healthy, non-depressed males were administered with walnuts, there was a significant improvement witnessed in their moods. Supplementing a child’s diet with these nuts compensates the deficit in EFAs and may help alleviate their mood. This is even applicable to people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), who are battling depression and stress after trauma.